Steering Your Brand Through Crisis

In every crisis, there are decisions and actions that can make or break any brand. Fortune favors the prepared, agile, and decisive; a truism in good times and even more so during global In every crisis, there are decisions and actions that can make, or break, a brand. Fortune favors the prepared, agile and decisive – true in good times, even more so in testing ones. Brand actions matter – and brands will be rewarded, or not, based on how they were perceived during difficult times. This panel will examine the three phases of managing your brand through a crisis as it begins, peaks and your company comes out the other side.

In “Steering Your Brand Through Crisis,” a webinar from Comcast Business our panel discusses the keys to successfully managing your brand and messaging through the three phases of any crisis: at its inception, as it grows and peaks, and, finally, as your brand emerges from the disruption.

Lou Aversano, Global Chief Client Officer, Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide; and
Susan Machtiger, Executive Partner, Ogilvy Consulting

Watch this webinar to walk through the three phases of managing your brand through a crisis.

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