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Digital Transformation: Building the New Enterprise Around Customer Experience

Optimizing the customer experience requires a holistic approach to planning and execution.

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The Biggest Bang for the Cloud Buck

Ask IT executives what they perceive as the biggest benefit of the cloud, and you will be surprised: Reliability and performance are way down on the list. What’s the new attraction to the cloud? Scalability – the ability to respond quickly to demands of the marketplace, of the business, and even of customers. Agility is the new payoff.

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Video: The Cloud and Your Distributed Enterprise

Cloud adoption is in full swing, with many enterprises already realizing the myriad returns on their investments.

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Building a Cloud-Centric, Hybrid Network With Software-Defined WAN

Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) is a new class of network technology that can help distributed enterprises meet growing network demands, but before implementing organizations must carefully evaluate their options.

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Business people talking on a balcony

Digital Transformation: Finding the Right Mix to Set Your Transformation Path

Enterprises need the right mix of tools and platforms to execute digital transformation initiatives.

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Turning the Cloud Focus on Transformation

According to a new IDG survey, IT still loves the cost benefits of cloud computing. But there’s a groundswell of support for the concept of digital transformation. It’s an idea that concurrently can help employees be more productive and customers be more engaged – and enterprises are realizing that the cloud can become their foundation.

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Welcome to the Distributed Enterprise

Learn about the distributed enterprise – what it is and why it matters to business today. And then explore the Distributed Enterprise Transformation Index to see how your organization stacks up.

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Digital Transformation: A Moving Goal Post

Organizations are embarking on the quest for business transformation, but how do they know when the transformation is complete?

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Building a Next-Generation Network With Software-Defined WAN

Distributed enterprises need a new WAN. What options are available to meet growing network demands?

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Wearable Devices in Healthcare: Using Technology to Serve Patients’ Needs

Wearables have already changed how we exercise, and now they’re on the brink of transforming healthcare as we know it.

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Security for the Wireless Enterprise

Wireless communications is becoming increasingly ubiquitous, in the enterprise and beyond. But, along with the convenience it brings, wireless also carries certain security issues.

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Much More Than Just a Number

How data analytics, the cloud and high-capacity networks are improving population health.

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Cloud Concerns They Are A-Changin’

Not too long ago, the biggest worry about cloud computing was whether data would be readily accessible. But network improvements have pushed performance and reliability down the ranks of cloud worries. Security and compliance now reign.

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The IT Innovator’s Guide to Digital Transformation in Financial Services

Technology has changed the way we bank, which has a direct impact on how banks manage their networks.

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New Technologies Help Retailers Improve the Customer Experience

To meet evolving customer expectations, retailers are striving to create new and personalized shopping experiences.

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Retailers and Their Customers Benefit from a Robust Enterprise Network

The rise of online and mobile shopping has transformed retail, but a strong distributed enterprise networking strategy can help brands overcome.

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The Changing Cloud Computing Climate

A new IDG survey reveals a subtle but perceptible shift in how enterprises’ attitude toward the cloud is changing.

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How’s Your Bandwidth? Getting the Network Ready for Cloud Computing

Cloud services are transformative, but to reap the benefits, specific prep work is necessary to make your network cloud-ready.

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Field Service: The IoT Revolution's Silent Partner

As our world gets more automated and “things” come to life, field service technicians stand at the ready to keep the connection alive.

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Food 2.0: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Pair Well in the Kitchen

AI is revolutionizing the way we produce and consume food. Data and algorithms are creating a new menu for the future.

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[Infographic] Pop Health Initiatives Require Powerful Patient-to-Provider Connections

Population health initiatives are lowering healthcare costs and improving quality. But how do population health goals impact hospital initiatives?

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Big Data, Big Results

Big data can provide retailers with incredible insight into their customers’ shopping habits and experiences to deliver personalized, top-notch customer service.

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Big Data, Little Traffic: Is Tech Our Pass to the Fast Lane?

Urban planners are seeking high-tech solutions to ease today's traffic flow and prevent tomorrow's gridlock.

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